West Garden Grove Youth Baseball

West Garden Grove Youth Baseball

Local Rules

2017 Local Standing Rules 

West Garden Grove Youth Baseball

Standing Rules Table of Contents

Section 1 – Registration Requirements

Section 2 – Team Composition

Section 3 – Tryout Requirements

Section 4 – Player Selection and Draft

Section 5 – All Star Selection

Section 6 – All-Star Manager Selection

Section 7 – Must Play Rules

Section 8 – Game Conduct

Section 9 – Field Regulation and Upkeep

Section 10 – Standings

Section 11 – End of Season Tournament

Section 12 – Amendments

Division Rules- Foal






*Local Rules supersede Pony and MLB Rules and Pony Rules supersede MLB Rules. 

1. Registration Requirements

1.1 All players must be registered by the last tryout date to be eligible for tryouts and the draft.                                                                                                                                     

1.2 Any player registered after the last tryout has been completed will not be eligible for the draft. Refer to Section 3.2 for late sign ups.

1.3  No registrations will be accepted after one thirds (1/3) of the regular season games have been played in the corresponding player age group divisions. 

2. Team Composition

2.1  The President, Player Agent, First Vice President and Chief Umpire shall meet and determine the final composition of teams for the current season in respect to the number of teams in each division and the number of players on each team. 

2.2  Team composition shall be delivered to the Board of Directors for majority approval.  This shall be complete at least seven (7) days and may be revised up to 24 hours prior to the draft. 

2.3  All teams will be dissolved at completion of tournament play so new teams are formed the following season. 

2.4  Managers may not bring in a pre-determined team.

3. Tryout Requirements

3.1  All players wishing to participate in Shetland  – Pony divisions must participate in a scheduled tryout to be eligible for the draft.  Managers and/or (1)one of their Coaches may be present.

3.2  League age 14, 15 and 16 year old players who participate in CIF sanctioned baseball will try out once CIF has concluded. 

After the drafts, all players sixteen (16) years of age and less who registered on or prior to tryout date but did not try out will be placed on teams by Player Agent within 24 hours of the completion of the draft.  (Provided all teams are equal in number, players will be assigned in draft order sequence.) All unassigned players shall be evaluated by the Player Agent to determine what division the player will be assigned.  The Player Agent will determine if the player is to be placed on the team that was set to draft next, or on another team.  If it is requested by the Player Agent to have the player placed on the non-subsequent team from the draft, the request must be brought to the Executive Board for approval.

OPTION: Manager/team next in line at end of regular draft sequence will have first pick of said player/s that did not attend try out but who were registered prior to or on tryout day.  This will continue in order of same sequence of regular draft until all the players are drafted accordingly.  This is to occur immediately after completion of regular draft. 

OPTION: Player Agent to blind draw registered non-tryout players and assign these players to manager/team according to draft sequence immediately following regular draft.  The only exception to this option is if the player is manager or coach option.

4. Player Selection and Draft

4.1 The selection of players for all divisions (excluding Foal) shall be the draft system and will follow the rules set forth below. Managers and/or (1)One of their Coaches may be present.

4.2 Determining draft order- Team Managers or their representative at the draft shall determine the draft positions of each team by drawing lots.  If a second draft is required in any division the draft position of each team shall be determined by a new drawing of lots.

4.3    Managers Option - All managers will have the option of drafting their son/daughter player in a protected round.  Failure to draft the manager’s player in the protected round will deem the player eligible for the open draft.  

4.3.1 Shetland – Managers option Age 5 fifth (5th) round, age 6 fourth (4th) round

4.3.2 Pinto – Managers option Age 7 fifth (5th) round, age 8 fourth (4th) round

4.3.3     Mustang - Managers option Age 9 fifth (5th) round, age 10 fourth (4th) round

4.3.4     Bronco - Managers option Age 11 fifth (5th) round, age 12 fourth (4th) round

4.3.5  Pony - Managers option Age 13 fifth (5th) round, age 14 fourth (4th) round

4.4  Sibling Option – Brother or sister option must be taken in subsequent rounds following manager option. 

4.4.1      In the event the sibling option is being exercised in conjunction with       the Managers option, the older of the two players must be drafted first. 

4.4.2      Once a manager has exercised the sibling option (once), he/she may not exercise the option again. 

4.4.3      All sibling options will be made known to all coaches and Player Agent prior to the start of the draft.

4.5  Coach’s Option – Each manager is afforded the opportunity to select one coach and subsequently freeze their coach option player in the draft. 

4.5.1     To be eligible to exercise the coach’s option, the manager must notify the Player Agent in writing on the Coach’s Option Request Form seven (7) days prior to the draft of their intent to exercise the coach’s option.

4.5.2     All coaches’ options must be approved through the board prior to the draft for the coach’s option to be utilized. 

4.5.3      All coaches’ options will be exercised in the first (1st) round of any draft. 

4.5.4      All coaches’ options will be made known to all coaches prior to the start of the draft.

4.5.5      The Coach chosen by the Manager may attend the Tryouts and the Draft with the Manager. 

4.5.6      If you do not have a coach at the time of the draft, you can use pick from the pool of players.

4.6  Player Trades-Trades may be made on a player(s) for player(s) basis provided they are made before the draft is deemed over by Player Agent.  Draft will be deemed complete and final 48 hours after draft night. 

4.6.1      All trades must be presented to the Player Agent for executive board approval.

4.7 Player Replacements- All player replacements must be conducted by the Player Agent.

4.7.1 Teams (Shetland – Pony) may petition the Player Agent for a replacement player if the team’s roster drops below 9 players.

4.7.2 Pinto-Pony:  If no player is available on waiting list, manager shall supply Player        Agent three player names from next lower level that may be invited to play on team.  Manager is in NO WAY to contact these players or their parents of the intent to be drafted up.  Player Agent to inquire of these players to see if they wish to be drafted up into division under assumption that all age requirements are met.  Player will be then assigned to new team.   

5. All Stars

5.1  All-Star Meeting (Shetland – Mustang) - A manager meeting will be held in after ½ of the season (8-Games)   to discuss each team’s players and their suggestions for all-star players. After 2/3rd of the season , manager and players should be picked(12-Games).

5.2  By the end of April the Board will approve the following teams to participate in All-Stars, 14u, 12u, 11u, 10u, 9u,8u,7u and Shetland. 

5.2.1      Each year based on player participation the board may adjust these teams at their discretion.

5.2.2        The player will not be added to the ballot until a commitment letter has been signed and collected from the player’s parent(s).

5.3  Player Selection

5.3.1      10u thru Shetland – The All Star team will be selected from a ballot consisting of all players nominated by their coaches at the All-Star Meeting, that meet the league age requirement, and have a signed commitment letter on file.  All managers in their respective divisions and (1) of their Coaches will be eligible to vote for their All-Star team.  All managers and Coaches will vote for all players who have signed a commitment letter.  The players will be ranked from 1st (most manager votes) to last (least manager votes).  A point system will be used for voting.  Manager’s first choice will receive 20 points; second choice will receive 19 points, etc.   The points will be added and the top 10 players will be the Red all-star team.  If it is decided by the managers and Board to have a second all-star team, the next 10 left after the Red All-star Manager has completed their team will make up the Blue all-star team.  All-Star Manager will be allowed to select the 11th-15th players on the All-Star team without regard to the managers’ ranking.  If for any reason an All-Star player needs to be replaced, the manager shall choose the replacement player.

5.3.2      11U and 12U– The All-Star team will be selected by the following ranking system combining managers and players votes.  Players vote for players - A point system will be used for voting.  Player’s first choice will receive 20 points; second choice will receive 19 points, etc.   The points will be added and the top 10 players will be the Red all-star team.  Managers vote for players – A point system will be used for voting.  Manager’s first choice will receive 20 points; second choice will receive 19 points, etc.   The points will be added and the top 10 players will be the Red all-star team.  Combining of the Player and Manager Rankings – The player and manager rankings are blended by adding the two numbers together to create the final ranking of players.  The ten (10) players with the highest ranking will be selected for the Red All-Star team.  If there is a tie for the 10th position, the All-Star manager will break the tie.  The 11th up to the 15th position on the All-Star team will be selected at the sole discretion of the All-Star manager.  If for any reason an All-Star player needs to be replaced, the All-star manager will choose the replacement player.  If it is decided by the Board and the managers to have a second team, the next 10 highest ranked players after the Red All-star team manager has completed their team will be selected for the Blue All-Star team.  Based on player participation the board may adjust these teams at their discretion. 

5.3.3      14u– The All-Star team will be selected by the following ranking system combining managers and players votes.  Players vote for players - A point system will be used for voting.  Player’s first choice will receive 20 points, second choice will receive 19 points, etc.   The points will be added and the top 10 players will be the Red all-star team.  Managers vote for players – A point system will be used for voting.  Manager’s first choice will receive 20 points; second choice will receive 19 points, etc.   The points will be added and the top 10 players will be the Red all-star team.  Combining of the Player and Manager Rankings – The player and manager rankings are blended by adding the two numbers together to create the final ranking of players.  The ten (10) players with the highest ranking will be selected for the Red All-Star team.  If there is a tie for the 10th position, the All-Star manager will break the tie.  The 11th up to the 15th positions on the All-Star team will be selected at the sole discretion of the All-Star manager.  If for any reason an All-Star player needs to be replaced, the manager will choose the replacement player.  If it is decided by the board and the managers to have a second team, the next 10 highest ranked players will be selected for the Blue All-Star team.  Based on player participation the board may adjust these teams at their discretion. 

6. All-Star Manager Selection

6.1  Any manager of a regular season team interested in managing an All-Star team will submit their name as a potential candidate to the Board before the All-star players meeting.  The Board will approve potential All-Star managers based on their performance as a manager and ability to represent the league in a professional manner during the All-Star tournament.

6.1.1   The Manager with the Team that has the most points 2/3rd of regular season (12 Games) will have first-right-of-refusal to be an All-Star Manager. If there is a tie, then a vote will be required. Manager and  (1) of their Coaches for each Division will vote for the Tie breaker and for any other Managers needed for Additional Teams determined by the Executive Board.

6.1.2      Potential managers are required to have managed a league team. If there are no interested managers, Board discussion and majority vote are required to offer manager positions to alternative interested parties.

6.1.3      The All-Star manager will choose his/her assistant coaches and submit their names to the board for final approval.   

7. Must Play Requirements

7.1 Innings- An inning shall consist of six (6) full outs.  Three (3) outs in the top half of the inning and three (3) outs in the bottom half of the inning. 

7.1.1      The inning begins for a player at the time his/ her name is announced to the official score keeper, regardless of whether or not the player would have come to bat in the inning.

7.2     Substitutions-All substitutions in the Pony division must be reported to the official score keeper.  Failure to do so may cause a violation of the must play rule as defined below.  

7.2.1      Bronco – Pinto divisions will only notify the official score keeper on a player position change form for all pitching changes.

7.3   Lineup cards-Line up Cards must be presented prior to the start of any game to the official score keeper and must indicate all absences, injuries or penalties and all pitching eligibility used.

7.4   Must Play Requirements

7.4.1      These requirements shall be monitored by the Chief Score Keeper and enforced by the President and Player Agent.

7.4.2      Each player must meet their must play requirements unless a player is being penalized, or needs to leave the game for any reason.  In the event the game is called prior to its completion, the Must Play Rule will not apply, providing any player would have the ability to satisfy their must play requirements.

7.4.3      No player may sit out consecutive defensive innings unless being penalized.

7.4.4      If a manager is found to be in violation of the Must Play Rule, and after the offending manager and league President have been notified by the Player Agent, the following penalties for the first and second violation may be applied at the discretion of the Player Agent and President:  First Offense - Player plays the entire next game and the Manager is issued a written warning.  Second Offense – Player plays the entire next game and the Manager is suspended from the team’s next game.  Third Offense – Player plays the entire next game and the Manager will be relieved of his managing privileges.

7.5   Player Position Sheet (Shetland – Bronco Divisions)

7.5.1      Each Manager must complete and provide the Official Score Keeper a hand written and accurate player position sheet immediately following the played game.  Late copies will not be accepted under any situation.  The penalty for violation of this article whether accidental or otherwise shall be:  First Offense – The Manager shall receive a written warning.  Second Offense – The Manager shall be suspended for the team’s next game.  Third Offense – The Manager shall be relieved of his managing privileges.

Penalizing Players

7.6   Managers may assess penalty innings towards a player’s required play only after notifying the Player Agent and President of the intent and reason for the penalty, and receiving approval from the Player Agent and President.

7.7     With the approval of the Player Agent and President and with the Chief Score Keeper and opposing Coach being notified, all league Managers may charge penalty innings for the following reasons:

7.7.1      If the Player misses practice without notification to his Manager or Coach.

7.7.2      If the Player misses a game without a valid excuse.

7.7.3      If the Player is late for a game or practice without a valid excuse.

7.8     Innings penalized for the reasons stated above will be entirely at the discretion of the Manager providing the total innings penalized for any given offense does not exceed one half (1/2) of the total innings played by the player in the last game.  

7.9     Any additional penalties must be approved by the Board of Directors.

7.10 Frequent absence by player from practice and/ or games must be reported to the Player Agent immediately for investigation.

8. Game Conduct

8.1  Team Representative-Each team will provide a team representative prior to the date of official league play.  The team representative will be a non-voting member of the Auxiliary Board.

8.2  Equipment

8.2.1      All male players must wear a protective cup during all practices and games.

8.2.2   All catchers in Foal – Bronco must have a throat protector attached to their catching    helmet at all times unless they are wearing a hockey styled mask.

8.2.3      All Catchers who are warming up the pitcher must wear full protective equipment (including shin guards, chest protector and helmet) if they are in the crouched position.  If a catcher is warming up the pitcher and stands up, they only need to wear the catcher’s helmet.

8.2.4      All batters, base runners and on deck batters must wear a protective helmet while outside the dugout at all times.

8.2.5      All bats must conform to the current official Pony rule book.

All players are encouraged to wear plastic or rubber baseball style cleats.  Metal cleats may be worn by Pony division players only.

8.2.6      Players are not permitted to wear any jewelry during games or practices unless it is medically required.  Jewelry is defined as watches, rings, piercings, necklaces, or bracelets.

8.3  Addressing the Umpire

8.3.1      Only the Manager (or designated coach in the absence of the manager) may come onto the playing field to address an umpire during the game.  (Time out must be requested and granted by the umpire before the manager or designated coach steps onto the field to address the umpire.) 

8.3.2        In the case of an injury both the manager and coaches may come onto the field to assist the injured player once the umpire has granted time out or called the ball dead.

8.4 Official Scorekeepers/Pitch Counter

8.4.1      It is strongly encouraged to have at least 2 scorekeepers for each team.  All scorekeepers MUST attend the scorekeeper clinic or the manager will face suspension of the first game of the season.

8.4.2      The Home team will provide the official score keeper and pitch count recorder.

8.5 Players of both Sexes

8.5.1      Each team having a player of both sexes is required to have an adult of each sex (or parent of the specific player in question) present at all team functions for the purpose of rendering personal aid or assistance appropriately required.  In the event an adult of either sex (or the parent of the specific player in question) is not present during practice, game or team function, the youths of that sex not represented shall not be allowed to participate.

8.6 Ejections

8.6.1      Any Manager, Coach, Player or spectator ejected by an umpire or WGGYB Executive Board Member must leave the field immediately and shall remain away from the WGGYB complex, not within sight of any of the playing fields for the remainder of the game. 

8.6.2      If the person ejected is the Manager, Coach or Player they are automatically suspended for their next game also. 

8.6.3      At no time shall an ejected player be without adult supervision or allowed to leave the complex until they are released to their guardian. 

8.6.4      If the person ejected is an adult, that person will be given three (3) minutes to leave the complex. 

8.6.5      After three (3) minutes the game will be suspended and turned over to the board to review and determine the outcome of the game, which may result in one team forfeiting the game.

8.6.6        It is the manager’s responsibility to notify any Executive Board member on the property of any ejection immediately following the game.

8.6.7      If a Manager or Coach feels that their ejection was unwarranted, they may file an appeal with the WGGYB Executive Board by no later than 24 hours after the ejection.

·       The manager/coach must do so via email to the President and state their case as to why they feel the ejection was unwarranted.

·       The Disciplinary Committee will review the manager/coaches appeal, as well as any statement given by the Umpire or Board Member that ejected them and return a decision within 48 hours from receipt of the  appeal.

·       All decisions by the Disciplinary Committee are final.

8.7 Standing Rules

8.7.1      Each Manager and Coach will receive a set of local standing rules, and By-laws, and are required to sign the attached Managers/Coaches contract agreement signifying that they have received their copy and will read and understand all of the standing rules and by-laws.

8.8 Playing Conditions

8.8.1       Any game may be stopped at any time by the umpire if he/ she feels the playing conditions are unsafe (too dark, too wet, lightning).  The umpire is also required to stop the game any time the darkness buzzer sounds.

8.8.2      Pool Players (Shetland – Bronco)- By the first game of the season Managers in each division will give a list of 3 eligible pool players to the Player Agent.  The Player Agent will receive permission for the players’ parent(s) to add their child to the list. If a pool player is needed, the manager must contact the Player Agent.  They are not allowed to contact the player directly.  The follow playing rules apply to any pool player requested for a game:  Pool player must be registered with WGGYB  Pool players must be eligible to move up to play a game in the next division.  E.g., a Bronco player must be eligible to play in the Pony division to become a pool player. 12 yr old and  are eligible for Pony 10 yr olds are eligible for Bronco 8 year olds are eligible for Mustang 6 year old are eligible for Pinto  Pool players will only play outfield  Pool players will bat last  Pool players will play the entire game  Pool player will wear their original team’s uniform  Pool player may not accept an invitation to play if it will result in a conflict with a scheduled game for that player’s regular team.  No more than two pool players can be used in a game  Pool players must be designated as such on the official line up card given to the official scorekeeper and opposing manager Requesting a player does not guarantee a player is available.  If you are not able to field your team, Team could have to forfeit the game.

8.9 Run Limits

8.9.1      In the case where a maximum run per inning rule occurs or a mercy rule is to be applied, teams will not leave the field of play until the Official Score Keeper has confirmed the score.

8.10 Protests

8.10.1   It is expected that Managers and Coaches will ALWAYS display emotional control and good Sportsmanship when questioning an Umpires call of judgment.

8.10.2     Judgment calls are NOT subject to protest, only rule interpretations.  

8.10.3   When protesting a standing rule it is the sole responsibility of the protesting manager to show the umpire the written rule being questioned.  A reasonable time will be given to the protesting manager to find the rule in the Standing Rules. 

8.10.4   If the protest is to be continued beyond this, the manager must inform the Plate Umpire and Official Score Keeper that the game will be continued under protest.  The score book shall be marked by the official score keeper at that spot and include the notation “Protested by…”  Within 24 hours the protesting manager will deliver a written protest to any board member.  The document should include a narrative of the incident, a copy of the rule in question, the manager interpretation, and the umpire’s decision.

8.10.5   A Protest Committee made up of The President, The Player Agent and the Chief Umpire (A Division Coordinator not associated with the division the protest is involved will be appointed by the President if one of the original committee members is involved in the protest.)  will review the matter.  All members must vote on the issue and the majority decision will be final.

9. Field Regulations and Upkeep Duties

9.1  It is the responsibility of the visiting team to drag the field, insert the bases, insert the pitching rubber if necessary and line the fields before each game. 

9.2  The home team is responsible for putting the bases away, drag and rake the field and water the field after each game.  Any holes or divots found in the pitcher’s mound or batter’s box must be filled in after the game by the home team.  Bases do not need to be put away if there is another game schedule on that field on the same day.

9.3  The visiting team gets to take pre-game warm ups on the field for ten (10) minutes beginning twenty five (25) minutes before the game is scheduled to start.  The home team gets to take pre-game warm ups on the field for ten (10) minutes beginning fifteen (15) minutes before the game starts.

9.4  It is the responsibility of each team to completely clean their dugout, the bullpen area and their bleachers of all trash after the game is completed.

9.5  Bicycles, skateboards, scooter, inline skates or roller skates, etc. are not permitted to be ridden or operated at the complex.

9.6  Use of Any Tobacco products, cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes are prohibited on school property.

9.7  It is the responsibility of all managers to ensure that their team is represented by at least three (3) members during all assigned field maintenance days.  If the team is not properly represented at the assigned field maintenance the manager may be suspended from his next scheduled game.

9.8    There shall be no ball playing or warm ups in the snack bar area or in the areas along the baseline fencing between the fields except where designated.

10. Standings

10.1 Standings will be based off of a Points System.

·       The Team with the most points at the end of the regular season will win their Division.

·       A win will be worth 3 Points

·       A tie will be worth 1 Point

10.2     End of Season Standings ties will be determined by

1st-Head to Head Record

2nd-Runs allowed against the head to head teams

3rd- Coin Toss.

11. End of Season Tournament

11.1    Each team in Shetland – Pony division will participate in an end of the year tournament. 

11.1.1   At the end of the regular season the teams overall record will be used to seed them for the end of the year tournament.

11.1.2     There will be No time limit for End of Season Tournament games.

11.1.3     Extra innings will be played if needed to determine a winner.

11.1.4   Mercy Rules will apply in Shetland-Pony Divisions.

12. Amendments

12.1     These Standing Rules or any section there of maybe amended or replaced by two thirds (2/3) vote of the board of directors present at any duly constituted meeting, providing that such proposed changes are submitted to the Rule Committee for their review and recommendation.

Division Rules-  Foal






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